The We Heal Together Winston-Salem Initiative (WHT) is a 4-year collaborative community partnership between Action for Equity, Crossnore’s Center for Trauma Resilient Communities, and Forsyth Futures dedicated to promoting resilience, equity, and trauma-informed approaches in communities. This collaborative work will assist youth and families through evidence-based violence prevention and community youth engagement programs. This work is being done alongside The People’s Research Council and eight future Backbone Agencies that will implement the Trauma Resilient Communities Model as an organizational change modality throughout their organization.
The initiative begins with a community needs assessment, followed by a strategic planning phase. The project emphasizes community engagement, transparency, and concrete action steps to address challenges and ensure the sustainability of a trauma-informed East Winston community.
Funding for the We Heal Together Winston-Salem initiative was awarded through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (ReCAST) program. Our collaborative goals over the next four years are to:
- Increase participation of East Winston residents and stakeholders in community-based research to identify the community’s needs and resources;
- Enhance trauma-informed systems of care through training the Trauma Resilient Communities Model to Backbone Agencies serving East Winston;
- Reduce high-risk behaviors and increase protective factors for East Winston youth exposed to adversity and trauma by implementing a comprehensive mentoring strategy;
- Increase first responders’ and youth-involved workers’ knowledge of youth mental health risk factors through training to improve their outreach and interactions with East Winston youth;
- Increase the capacity of mental health and health practitioners working in East Winston to incorporate trauma-informed care approaches into their youth and family services; and,
- Evaluate the impact of the project.

Crossnore’s Center for Trauma Resilient Communities (CTRC) will provide professional and organizational learning opportunities to Backbone Agency (BBA) partners. These opportunities include training, workshops, and workforce development through the Trauma Resilient Communities (TRC) Model, an evidence-supported, trauma-informed change modality. The aim is to establish a well-coordinated, trauma-informed system of care that promotes healing and recovery for members of the East Winston-Salem community. BBA partnerships are a vital driver of this change process.
A BBA is one of several organizations in East Winston-Salem that:
- Understand the harmful impact of organizational trauma on staff, individuals and families served, and the larger system of care for children and families;
- Wants to cultivate a healing, healthy, and equitable work environment for all within the organization;
- Has the willingness, time, capacity, and commitment to become a trauma-responsive and trauma-resilient organization;
- Has the backing and support ACROSS the agency (from leadership to front-line staff) to engage in the training, consultation, evaluation, and supports from the CTRC;
- Is willing to serve as a leader in East Winston-Salem and the larger community to bring hope and healing to individuals, communities, and system of care partners.

For more information on the We Heal Together Winston-Salem Initiative, contact:
Micha James, Director of Winston-Salem Trauma Resilient Communities
Email: mjames@crossnore.org
Phone: (336) 341-0619