Director of Winston-Salem TRC & Faculty

Micha James

ReCAST: We Heal Together

After learning one of her grandmothers miscarried while working and caring for the children of a white family, after hearing stories about one of her grandfathers being responsible for training less educated and less skilled white men who started their jobs making more money than him, and after witnessing her other grandmother having to hide her same-sex relationships, Micha is determined to always speak up and show up, particularly for those who cannot do it for themselves.

While in the late Rev. Dr. Carlton Eversley’s African-American History class, at Winston-Salem State University, she learned she wanted to be a “Voice for the Voiceless” and she remains committed to using her voice to uplift, encourage, and teach. “Each one, teach one”, “When you know better, you do better”, “If I can help somebody as I travel on…then my living will not be in vain,” are just a few of the adages keeping Micha focused.

Micha’s empathy is gained from her momma, her side-eye comes from her sister, her daddy Blessed her with his cussing vernacular, and she fights for what’s right because her brother-in-law served this country to ensure her right to fight AND because her son is watching!